ICF Accredited Course

Earn 24 ICF CCEs

Payment Options

If you choose a payment plan, please note we will send all course completion documents and your COSMO Leadership Certification materials only after full payment has been made.

What's included in Expanding

Advance and deepen your understanding of COSMO’s 5 priorities with 20 dynamics. Grow proficiency and confidence for leading yourself and helping diverse people with a coach approach.

  • 9 hours of online, practical, ready-to-apply collaborative learning; both group and self-directed labs

  • Over 160+ pages of layer-by-practical-layer training manual to teach the 5 COSMO priorities and applications of it

  • Dynamic interaction with colleagues who have a growing understanding of COSMO as they lead and coach with it

  • In-class Q & A and an active learning environment to practice C&M approaches

  • 20 case studies for training individuals or groups in the COSMO framework

More Benefits of Expanding

Additional content you receive in Expanding Your COSMO Advantage™

  • COSMO Expanded Illustrations

    8 additional COSMO Illustrations to use with clients and teams

  • COSMO Dynamic Worksheets

    10 professional worksheets to use with clients and teams

  • Electronic Tracker

    To plan toward a goal using COSMO's 20 dynamics

What are other leaders saying?

A Complete Process

Sara Barber

I'd recommend this training to all leaders--this framework provides a complete process to accomplish any desired outcome. It helps unlock teams when they get stuck, which could be in any one of COSMO's 5 priorities. Many leadership trainings focus on structure but miss the other 4 priorities COSMO highlights. Not only have I witnessed teams unlock and move forward with projects when I've used this process, I've also seen greater peace and relationships grow between them because of it.

A Problem Solver

Bill Mason

For all Coaches, Leaders, Business Leaders & Managers. It is a solid way of thinking in regard to problem solving almost any issue.

Feel Empowered

Nicole Roberts

The content is strong. This course empowered me with a valuable tool to guide myself and my clients with and and best of all a framework they can use in the future.

Meet Your COSMO Advantage™ Trainers

Founder / CEO

Jerri Ann Jensen

Founder / CEO Jerri Ann (ACC, MS) holds more than 25 years of experience in leading, coaching, and counseling. She consistently launches initiatives that provide innovative and transformational training for leaders. Her authentic approach disarms pretense and invites people to relax, learn, and grow. She served on the BOD of an international nonprofit and delights in seeing individuals, teams, and companies release the best of the beauty, goods, and services they offer our world.

Expanding with Clarity & Momentum™ Overview

Lessons & Bonus Materials included in course

  1. 1
    • Terms and Conditions

  2. 2
    • Expanding Your COSMO Advantage™ Class Manual {available for download on October 17, 2023}

    • Expanding Your COSMO Advantage™ Class Manual

  3. 3
    • COSMO Certification Exam

  4. 4
    • Recordings will be available 24 hours after class.

    • Week 1: Outcomes Dynamics {Video Replay}

    • Week 1: Outcomes Dynamics {Audio Replay}

    • Week 2: Clarity Dynamics {Video Replay}

    • Week 2: Clarity Dynamics {Audio Replay}

    • Week 3: Ownership Dynamics {Video Replay}

    • Week 3: Ownership Dynamics {Audio Replay}

    • Week 4: Structure Dynamics {Video Replay}

    • Week 4: Structure Dynamics {Audio Replay}

    • Week 5: Momentum Dynamics {Video Replay}

    • Week 5: Momentum Dynamics {Audio Replay}

    • Week 6: Review & Certification {Video Replay}

    • Week 6: Review & Certification {Audio Replay}

  5. 5
    • Class Information & FAQs

    • COSMO Illustration Packet {Expanding}

    • Expanding Dynamics & Insights

    • COSMO's 20 Dynamics Illustration

    • Dynamics Worksheets

    • CGT One-on-One Review

Payment Options

If you choose a payment plan, please note we will send all course completion documents and your COSMO Leadership Certification materials only after full payment has been made.