ICF Accredited Course

Earn 40 ICF CCEs

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What's included in Leading & Coaching

Our signature course, Leading & Coaching with the COSMO Advantage™, is a robust training where the learning is built concept by practical concept. You’ll start using COSMO (Clarity & Momentum) Thinking the first week of training, and it will have an immediate and lasting benefit not only for you but also for those you serve. By taking hold of this framework, you can help yourself and your clients accomplish what matters most at work and home.

  • 12 hours of online, practical, ready-to-apply instruction

  • Alignment with ICF core coaching competencies and neuroscience applications

  • 220+ page training manual to teach the 5 COSMO priorities and applications of them

  • Dynamic interaction with colleagues around real-time application, insight, and learning

  • Triad breakouts to practice COSMO concepts

  • Generous opportunity for in-class Q & A

More Benefits in Leading & Coaching

Additional content you receive in Leading & Coaching with the COSMO Advantage™

  • COSMO Basic Illustrations

    9 PDFs to share with individuals and teams you lead or coach

  • COSMO Exercises

    40+ self-paced exercises so you can apply the learning directly to your situation and area of expertise

  • COSMO Progress Journal

    Journal pages to track and evaluate personal and professional applications of COSMO

What are other leaders and coaches saying?

John Ramstead
Executive Coach, The Ramstead Group

“Clarity (COSMO) training transformed how I work with clients. Using the clarity model has accelerated results with everyone and has led to much richer coaching sessions. I recommend this training for everyone!”

Jennifer Fuller
Owner & Lead Consultant, ix2 Consulting

"I was especially impressed with the online training approach and the level of opportunity for hands-on application in your personal and professional life. I would highly recommend this training for anyone looking to further establish language and a philosophy to guide clients towards maximum outcomes."

Charles Hooper Jr.
Executive Coach

“When time is money, clarity is imperative in providing leadership to any organization. Clarity Training (COSMO) has provided me a versatile tool to use in various settings to help my coaching clients gain clarity faster.”

Meet Your COSMO Advantage™ Trainers

Founder / CEO

Jerri Ann Jensen

Founder / CEO Jerri Ann (ACC, MS) holds more than 25 years of experience in leading, coaching, and counseling. She consistently launches initiatives that provide innovative and transformational training for leaders. Her authentic approach disarms pretense and invites people to relax, learn, and grow. She served on the BOD of an international nonprofit and delights in seeing individuals, teams, and companies release the best of the beauty, goods, and services they offer our world.

Leading & Coaching with the COSMO Advantage™ Course Overview

Lessons & Bonus Materials included in course

  1. 1
    • Terms and Conditions

  2. 2
    • Orientation Video

  3. 3
    • Leading & Coaching with the COSMO Advantage Manual {Available April 6, 2022}

  4. 4
    • Recordings will be available 24 hours after class.

  5. 5
    • Class Information & FAQ

    • Pre & Post Self Assessment

    • Basic Illustration Packet & Individual Sheets

    • Strengths COSMO Pyramid Illustration

    • Active Listening & Asking Powerful Questions

    • COSMO Question Clusters

    • OPTIONAL Faith-Based Supplement

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